Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Desert Bandicoot

The Desert Bandicoot used to live in the desert around Alice Springs and Tennant Creek.

The Australian Desert Bandicoot is extinct. All living Desert Bandicoots are now dead. Only the remains are still found from time to time.

The Desert Bandicoot lived in sand plain and sand ridge desert in central Australia until about 30 years ago. Spinifex grasslands and tussock grass flats were the habitat of the Desert Bandicoot. It was active at night and spent the day inside a nest of grass and twigs.
The decline of populations of Desert Bandicoots can be attributed partly to predation by foxes and feral cats and partly to a change in the fire regime from frequent low intensity fires to occasional devastating wildfires.
Its diet is not known with certainty, but has been reported to include ants, beetle larvae, and termites.

Back to Australian Desert Animals

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